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Welcome to the Judo Encyclopedia
The most comprehensive source on judo in the Netherlands.
Judo is not just a sport; it is also an educational game and martial art. Most importantly, judo is for everyone. This encyclopedia provides insight into the essence of judo. With a solid foundation, everyone can grow, and we hope this elevates the judo community in the Netherlands to a higher level.
The Judo Encyclopedia is continually evolving. New insights, updated texts, and photo/video materials are constantly being added. The “do” of judo knows no end.
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About the Encyclopedia
Our Unique Judo Knowledge Base
This encyclopedia is designed to share all collected judo knowledge with the entire judo community in the Netherlands – and beyond. Together, we can grow stronger through shared insights.
DAN Examinations
Assessing Judo Proficiency
Learn from the experiences of previous judoka. We’ve compiled videos of grading exams from 1st to 6th dan in one convenient place.
About Kodokan Judo
Learn more about Kodokan Judo
Kodokan Judo was founded by Kano Jigoro Shihan, who began practising jujutsu in his youth as a way to strengthen his weak body.